A striking vehicle wrap is the perfect way to create continual, on the move advertising opportunities for your business. Just think about how many other cars, people and pedestrians you pass on the road daily. Why not make sure that your name and branding is displayed prominently on your vehicle?
A full vehicle wrap is undoubtably the best option available for maximising the advertising exposure that your vehicle can create, but there are other, more simple options if a full wrap isn't what you're looking for. Visual Imaging can create custom-cut vinyl decals, lettering and logos that can be applied to the body and windows of your car. We can even print on magnetic material, creating removable magnetic door panels. If you would like a quote on any of these vehicle graphic options, simply send us some details on what you're after via the form below.
Have a question for the team at Visual Imaging Cairns? Would you like a quote on a new product? Simply send us your details via the form below and a representative will contact you to discuss your options. Alternately you can email us directly at sales@visualimaging.com.au or call on (07) 4051 4910.