Custom Photos & Images
One of the fantastic aspects of ImageTECH products is their versatility when it comes to the images and graphics that can be utilized. With normal splash back and kitchen / bathroom surface covering products, you are limited by the available style and design of each product. With ImageTECH this is not the case. Your new bathroom splash back can have any high resolution graphic, photo or image applied via our inhouse graphic infusion process. That beautiful landscape shot you took on your last holiday - could it possible make the perfect gloss aluminium backdrop to your kitchen sink? With ImageTECH the sky is the limit. Any grapghic. Any surface.
File Type & Resolution
We can work with almost any available image file type. The preferable format is high resolution TIF, or RAW unprocessed digital camera files, but we can also work with JPG, PNG and PDF files. Even photos taken from a smart phone are generally of good enough quality for ImageTECH. If you're unsure whether your file format or resolution quality will be sufficient, our graphics team at Visual Imaging can take a look at your files for you.
For quotes or more information on ImageTECH products, contact Visual Imaging using the form below, or give our office a call on (07) 4051 4910.